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Power Chord Basics Rocking 5ths

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In this tutorial we’ll learn how to play power chords in a rock style. This is a commonly used way to voice chords in rock style music because it works so well with an overdriven tone. Using overdrive, distortion or fuzz tone on a guitar can make full major or minor chords sound really muddy. So if we leave out the major or minor 3rd and strip a chord voicing down to just the root note and the fifth we get a lot more clarity. Combine that voicing with the classic overdriven sound of a rock electric guitar tone sounds really powerful.

That’s why it’s called a power chord!

In this tutorial we’ll strip a bunch of E and A styled barre chords down to power chords, learn how that can help us with map the musical notes on the E and A string, and along the way learn a practice tune using these powerful voicings.

I’m using an electric guitar will an overdriven tone in this tutorial. You can use any guitar, but an electric with overdrive will get you the most appropriate tone for using power chords in a rock style.

Lesson Info
Power Chord Basics Rocking 5ths